Emerging Media PhD Club
Target group: doctoral candidates studying emerging media technologies and their societal impact
Contact: Hannah Greber
The Emerging Media PhD Club is an interdisciplinary club directed at PhD students at all stages working on emerging media. Emerging media are defined as novel technologies with the capacity to transform our perception of and navigation through the sociopolitical space. Examples are Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Deep Fakes. Theoretical frameworks of interest include presence, immersion, agency, embodiment, reality, anthropomorphism, human-computer interaction, persuasion and ethics.
Participants are invited to engage in subject-specific exchange, pool knowledge, and explore overlapping theoretical and methodological challenges. By sharing and discussing their work in progress, students can gain additional insight about their dissertation topic and locate their individual focus within a broader, interdisciplinary context. Furthermore, exchange on software and hardware is encouraged.
To obtain a deeper understanding of the academic and practical implications of the research area, and to also provide networking opportunities, guest lecturers will be invited on a trimonthly basis. Meetings will take place online or in person every two months. Please contact us for information concerning the location and timing for the next meeting.